What if you had superhuman powers because you knew how to navigate todays uncertainties and major changes? How would your life and business move forward if you knew you couldnt fail?
So, what is causing people to feel so uncertain today? Well, there is a rare convergence of three major earthly cycles that impact all humans including you according to Gregg Braden, a world-renowned author, and scientist. These cycles have been influencing humans for thousands of years. They come and go without warning and leave a scar on human history that we can track and predict.
Not only until the last one hundred and fifty years have we been able to track and measure these cycles so that we can be better prepared for them. Some people fall prey to the cycles while others rise above and grow stronger. What differentiates the winners from those who suffer is determined by how we invest our metal currency – our dominant and daily thoughts.
The way we think, what we think about most and talk about the most becomes our mental currency. What we give our attention to and focus on consistently becomes our reality. We invest our thoughts every day and like compound interest, they convert into outcomes – our return on investment. So, what are the three major cycles and how can you manage your mental currency so that you dont lose control an end up on top instead?
The three cycles that are converging upon us right now are climate change, economic crisis, and human conflict. Climate changes have been documented by analyzing 420,000 years of ice cores from the ice sheets in Antarctica and Greenland. Economic upheavals have also been documented over the centuries in the history books and more recently with big media. And human conflicts have scarred the earth and humans for thousands of years leaving a dent in human history that can be charted according to its peaks and valleys.
Early in the twentieth century Nikolai Kondratiev, an economist was the first to recognize the rhythm of cycles that directly impact global and local economies. Whether we zoom in on the small scale of a family or zoom out on the large scale of a community or the world, it seems to be the same thing. He identified a 66-year economic cycle and broke this cycle into seasons now known as the Kondratiev Seasons.
Then there are cycles of conditions that make us more vulnerable and more susceptible to conflict. It doesnt mean that the cycles drive war and conflict, however, when we find ourselves in those cycles, we become more vulnerable and susceptible. This is an opportunity for us to respond differently and work towards an agreement, and seek cooperation, amongst our families, friends, communities, and between nations.
So, the value of knowing when we are in this cycle of human conflict when its so easy to be triggered and misunderstood and cause a situation that can wreak havoc on entire nations – the value is that it equips us with greater wisdom and knowledge to be more conscious about our agreements and communications.
These cycles occur in a repetitious pattern and leave signs forewarning us of their pending arrival. These extremes leave a scar on the human psyche of those who are unaware and poorly equipped to manage the problems and uncertainties that come with them. Whats unique about the cycles is that three of them are converging all at once and they interact and intertwine with each other. This convergence only happens every few thousand years. And now that we have the scientific evidence, we can chart them out and better prepare ourselves. But is it too late?
As you can imagine, these major cyclical changes put a tremendous amount of pressure and stress on us. You may have noticed a rise in the number of marriages failing, levels of frustration and anger, procrastination, and businesses fighting for supremacy. Signs of anger and frustration like road rage, shootings and protests are clear signs of uncertainty and its resultant product, fear, on the rise.
The first step of overcoming this rare convergence of cycles is to be aware of them and except them as natural and normal. Theres very little that we can do to stop them, however, the way we manage them will determine whether they reoccur or not. What we think about, talk about, and complain about can be directly correlated to cycles of human conflict and economic crisis personally and globally.
Our collective consciousness stores memories of human atrocities, lack, and scarcity. Stories are recorded in history books and passed down from one generation to the next. It is a clear misuse of attention and void of any good intentions. People suffer and die leaving an indelible mark on families and cultures for centuries that lives on in their long-term stories, memories, and emotions.
Braden suggests that we ask ourselves, How can we be resilient in a world thats growing more volatile by the day? How can we thrive in the new normal thats already here, unless were honest with ourselves about that story and what its showing us?
Furthermore, I suggest that we ask ourselves, how can we accept the people and circumstances of our life more openly and allow the cycles to come and go and investing our mental currency in the outcomes we would choose given the option.