Do You Have What it Takes to Scale Your Agency?

Growing from 6 to 7 figures can be tough — let me help guide you through scaling faster, smarter, and with less stress.


"In just 24 weeks, we hit our first Six-Figure Months two months in a row"

Brad - Owner, Moffatt Autoworks

Get Clarity

Get Focused

Move Forward

Are You Scaling Your Agency the Hard Way?

  • “I’m working way too much...”
  • “I’ll work on my health when…”
  • “It’ll be easier when I make more…”
  • “I can’t hire the right person for…”
  • “Everything will so much better when…”

If you want to improve the quality of your life if you want to set and achieve meaningful goals, then Dan is the man to show you how to do it. Pay close attention to give him the time but listen carefully as he starts to explain how you can change the direction of your life and I understand this, the change will be permanent.

Bob Proctor


turn decades into days

“Better” Can Happen in 12 Weeks Instead of Taking Years

Proven 12-Week System

I help you install a proven focused productivity system in your agency — what gets documented and measured gets improved.

Business + Personal

Your energy and health directly relate to what you’re able to do in your agency day-to-day — that’s why we focus on improving both.

6 to 7-Figure Growth Plan

Agencies have some pretty big hurdles to face on their journey to 7 figures — that’s why we put plans in place to conquer those obstacles.

I love it when good people win

As an entrepreneur, I’m a lot like you — we want to live a good life and have time for the people that matter to us the most.

There are so many courses, books, and information to help guide us, but there’s nothing as powerful as finding the right people with the right experience to guide you through the tough spots.

That’s where I come in — I help with growth, mindset, and strategies to help you take your business to the next level without sacrificing yourself or your family for your business.

“Dan simplifies complex problems”

Dan takes complex business and personal problems and makes them make sense within minutes. Once he does it, you realize how he just saved you months of time from trying to figure everything out in your head.

Alice Ma


Getting Started is Easier Than You Think

It’s time to turn distraction into determined focus


Book Your Clarity & Focus Roadmap Call

It’s possible to achieve your 12 month goals in 12 weeks, if you have the right roadmap.


Follow Your 12-Week Focused Productivity Plan

We work together to break down your goals into small manageable, easy to follow tasks.


Achieve 12-Month Goals in 12 Weeks With Less Stress

With my system in place, you have freedom to focus on what matters and move forward.

“I hit multiple $20K plus months”

My business was struggling. I wasn't hitting the numbers I wanted to financially and was pretty close to burnout. With Dan’s coaching, I quickly hit $10K a month and have then gone on to hit multiple $20K plus months in a very short span of time.

Daniel Lamb

Holland Creative

what's holding you back?

Top Questions & Answers

Who should work with me?

I work with agency owners that aren’t afraid of taking action and are looking to scale their agency to 7+ figures and struggle to manage their time and their team effectively.

What does working with you look like?

We’ll start with a kickoff call and make sure we’re a good fit for each other, then we’ll get started on your first 12-week plan, and we’ll meet weekly to keep you on track.

What does it cost to work with me?

Depending on how we work together, my rate starts at $12k for 6 months of growth coaching to set your systems in place and scale your agency.

When do we start?

We give each of our clients dedicated one-on-one time and focus — if we have availability, you can start immediately, if not, we’ll put you on our waitlist until a spot is available.

“I was drowning in debt”

I had multiple businesses, but I was not really making money and drowning in debt. Dan helped me let go of those businesses and get clear on what am I really good at and what I want to do in the future.

Julius Guevarra

Funnels & Automation Agency

“I was disenchanted with work-life-family-spirit balance”

I was at a point of success in business, but was disenchanted with the work-life-family-spirit balance in my life. Dan’s continuous reinforcement, strategies, tips and motivation assisted me in regaining this balance.

Harpreet Hans

7-Figure Real Estate Lawyer